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16.09.2021 | 15:46

Stacion – centar za savremenu umetnost u Prištini objavio je konkurs za nagradu “Umetnici sutrašnjice” za 2021. godinu, namenjenu umetnicima/cama na Kosovu do 35 godina starosti.

Konkurs je otvoren do 1. oktobra 2021. godine, a rezultati će biti objavljeni najkasnije do 10. oktobra 2021.

Na konkurs se mogu prijaviti umetnici/ce koji/e rade u oblastima savremene umetnosti: slikarstvo, vajarstvo, grafika, crtež, instalacija, fotografija, video, novi mediji i performans. Umetnici ne mogu da konkurišu radovima iz oblasti primenjene umetnosti, dizajna, teatra, plesa i igranog filma.
Umetnici/ce mogu da konkurišu za nagradu “Umetnici sutrašnjice” putem onlajn prijave na sajtu Staciona.

Članovi žirija nagrade “Umetnici sutrašnjice” za 2021. godinu su Anne Barlow, direktorka Tate St Ives iz Engleske, umetnice Minna Henriksson, Qëndresë Deda, nezavisni kustos i pisac Adam Kleinman i regionalni koordinator za Severnu Ameriku u Kadist Art fondaciji, te kulturni radnik i producent, istraživač i aktivista Nebojša Milikić iz Beograda.

Međunarodni žiri izabraće troje finalista koji će izložiti svoj rad na izložbi finalista nagrade “Umetnici sutrašnjice 2021”, čije otvaranje je predviđeno za 10. novembar 2021. godine u prostoru Bokserskog kluba u Prištini.
Finalisti nagrade “Umetnici sutrašnjice 2021” biće izabrani na osnovu umetničkog portfolija, prethodnih dostignuća i izložbi, kao i pokazanog potencijala. Dobitnik/ca nagrade će biti izabran/a na osnovu portfolija, izloženog rada na izložbi finalista, prethodnih dostignuća i izložbi, intervjua sa žirijem i pokazanog potencijala.
Žiri će objaviti ime dobitnika/ce nagrade na zatvaranju izložbe finalista 11. decembra 2021. godine.

Dobitnik/ca će biti nagrađen/na dvomesečnim umetničkim rezidencijalnim programom u Residency Unlimited u Njujorku u periodu april – maj 2022. godine i samostalnom izložbom u okviru godišnjeg programa Staciona 2023. godine.
Nagrada je organizovana u saradnji sa Residency Unlimited (Njujork) i podržana je od The Trust for Mutual Understanding (Njujork).

Glavni sponzori nagrade nagrade “Umetnici sutrašnjice 2021” su: Trust for Mutual Understanding (TMU), Independent Curators International (ICI), Ministarstvo kulture, omladine i sporta Kosova i Opština Priština.

Kompletna lista donatora i partnera saradnika za nagradu Umetnici sutrašnjice 2021 biće objavljena blagovremeno. Infomacije o nagradi “Umetnici sutrašnjice” moguce je naci  u ovom linku u web stranici Stacion – Centra za savremenu umetnost Priština, i drugim društvenim medijima instituciie.

Stacion – Center for Contemporary Art Prishtina is pleased to announce the open call for the Artists of Tomorrow Award 2021 – for Kosovo artists up to 35 year of age.

*Please find below the Open Call for the Artists of Tomorrow Award 2021 in English

Stacion – Center for Contemporary Art Prishtina is pleased to announce the open call for the Artists of Tomorrow Award 2021 – for Kosovo artists up to 35 year of age. This pivotal independent award is organized in cooperation with Residency Unlimited in New York and is supported by The Trust for Mutual Understanding in New York.

The open call was launched September 11, 2021. The deadline to apply for the award is October 1, 2021. The results of the competition will be announced no later than October 10, 2021.
Artists working in the field of contemporary art including painting, sculpture, prints, drawing, installations, photography, video, new media and performance art are encouraged to apply. Artists cannot apply with works in applied arts, design, theater, dance and film. Artists can apply for The Artists of Tomorrow Award 2021 by applying online and uploading the required documentation through the online.

Application form of Artists of Tomorrow Award 2021 at the website of Stacion – Center for Contemporary Art Prishtina. Members of the Jury of the Artists of Tomorrow Award 2021 are Anne Barlow, the director of the TATE St Ives, England, Qëndresë Deda, artist, winner of Artists of Tomorrow Award 2018, Minna Henriksson, artist, Adam Kleinman, an independent curator and writer as well as the Regional Curator for North America at the Kadist Art Foundation and Nebojša Milikić, cultural worker and manager, researcher and activist based in Belgrade.

The international jury of established professionals will select three finalists who will exhibit work in the finalist’s exhibition the Artists of Tomorrow Award 2021, which is scheduled to open at the Boxing Club in Prishtina in November 10, 2021.

Finalists will be selected on the merit of their artistic portfolio, prior accomplishments and exhibitions, and demonstrated potential.
The winner of The Artists of Tomorrow Award 2021 will be selected on the merit of their portfolio, exhibited artwork in the finalists’ exhibition, prior accomplishments and exhibitions, an interview with the jury and demonstrated potential.  

The jury will announce the winner of The Artists of Tomorrow Award 2021 at the finissage of the finalist’s exhibition on December 11, 2021 at the Boxing Club in Prishtina.

The winner will be awarded with a two-month artist residency program in New York, US, at the Residency Unlimited in the period of April/ May 2022, and a solo exhibition within the annual program of Stacion – Center for Contemporary Art Prishtina for 2023.
Main supporters of “The Artists of Tomorrow Award” 2021 are Trust for Mutual Understanding (TMU), Independent Curators International (ICI), Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports, Municipality of Prishtina. Complete list of donors and cooperation partners for “The Artists of Tomorrow Award” 2021 will be announced in due time.

The complete information for the Artists of Tomorrow Award 2021, can be found in this link in the website of Stacion – Center for Contemporary Art Prishtina and other social media pages of the institution.